Bikram Yoga Tips for Beginners

Bikram Yoga is considered to be suitable for beginners seeking optimum health condition and weight loss / management. This intense yoga includes 26 sequential postures and 2 breathing exercises, realizing the ultimate mental and physical agreement and relaxation. For beginners of Bikram Yoga, there is no need to worry about the strength of the pose. Continuous exercise is to make it simple so you can respond to each yoga pose your body is giving to you.

Bikram Yoga beginners get a big appeal on it because it is done in a hot room specially designed to sweat (105 degrees Fahrenheit). According to Trisha Lamb Feuerstein, researcher at the Yoga Research and Education Center in California, Bikram Yoga is based on the principle of "no pain" and is widely accepted by most Americans. Bikram Yoga aims to provide complete regeneration of the body and mind through holistic healing. If you are just beginning to practice Bikram Yoga, please follow the hints on yoga preparation and concentration.

  • Look for a Bikram yoga class room with a humidity of about 40% warmed from 90 ° F to 105 ° F.
  • Intimate yoga teacher will guide you step by step because you are a new student. Avoid full size pants and loose T - shirts. Please put on clothes that will make your body sweaty.
  • Carry other supplies such as water, towels, mats and sweat. Long hair should be bound by a ponytail.
  • We can process the first few classes early and complete the procedure. To get used to the heat of the room, please go 15 minutes before the start of the yoga class.
  • Please drink water before you try yoga asanas. Please drink the water in between. Please feel free to relax when you are completely exhausting energy. You have your knees down or have some soft coconut water so that you can return to action within minutes.
  • Beginners should avoid talking in the class as participating in the Bikram Yoga class with friends breaks down the silence of meditation during the lesson.
  • Even if the temperature is too high, please do not leave the room. Although it is obvious to experience nausea and dizziness, it may be challenging to sit down and relax when experiencing fatigue. The body needs time to adapt to such extreme temperatures. ,
  • Please make sure you have food 4 hours before class starts. Heavy meals hinder movement such as forward bending and backward elongation.
  • It is imperative that you rest your back for 2 minutes after the final breathing exercise.

By following these Bikram Yoga tips, beginners can increase flexibility, prevent disease, control weight, and increase metabolism.

Image Source: Shutterstock

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