Let's prepare for winter with kapalabhati pranayama

To exhale completely, you need to use the abdominal muscle near the end of expiration. Try it: straight up and inhale; please do not move your chest and shoulders. The feeling of the effort you feel represents the active contraction of the diaphragm muscles. Spit out completely now. Please pay attention to how the first part of expiration is comforting. However, to force more air, you need to shrink the abdominal muscles. Do this several times until you can feel it when you start using the abdominal muscles to complete the expiration.

Kapalabhati reverses the usual pattern of active inhalation and passive exhalation. The expiration of kapalabhati is short, powerful and perfect. It requires some exercise. Begin by establishing a deep, uniform, baseline of nasal breathing. At the end of normal expiration, the muscles forming the anterior wall of the abdomen are contracted strongly and rapidly, from just below the ribs to the pelvis, to push the air out of the nostrils. When these muscles contract, move the abdomen towards the spine and push the diaphragm into the thoracic cavity to squeeze the lungs. This results in the elimination of air through the nostrils as long as there is no other movement and the nostrils are blocked. Only the abdomen moves - Maintains the rest of your body perfectly. Each exhalation must be complete and comfortable to accomplish with a short, powerful explosion.

Relax the abdominal wall without sudden stop, inhale automatically. Return the abdomen to the rest position. Please do not inhale positively. At first, this is the most difficult part to learn about Kapalabochati and you need to practice it slowly and intentionally.

It is necessary to develop the ability to breathe using only the abdominal muscles, to quickly contract during exhalation and to relax completely per inhalation. The diaphragm must remain passive for both inhalation and exhalation. Because passive inhalation takes more time than strong and powerful exhalation, inhalation is actually about twice as much as exhalation.

How to sit

Practicing Kapalahti requires a firm and stable attitude as you advance, as muscle contraction during breath becomes very powerful. Movement may be hindered by an unstable posture, and practice may be interrupted.

Please make head, neck, torso vertical. When the spine is properly aligned, the volume of the lung is slightly expanded. Please pay attention especially to the position of the head. Return the chin on the sternum and stretch his neck up. This puts the head directly on the buttocks. Relax shoulder - you do not have to lift them or return them. Now, return to the original position and go back to the upright position several times and experience both completely. The best asanas are padmasana, swastikasana, vajrasana, siddhasana, or sitting upright and sitting in a chair.


The period of Kapalahti is usually done in a series of rounds. It is best to start with a sitting of 10 times to 15 times per round, 3 times with one sitting, once a day. Separate each round deeply and even breathe until the respiratory balance is restored. We repeat the number of iterations per round about 5 times per week. 120 iterations per round are considered intense exercises for most people.

Enforce each exhalation as much as possible without tension or excessive effort. If this encounters this exercise for the first time, it may experience pain of abdominal pain. If you practice slowly and consistently, this will end in a few days. The more complete exhalation and inhalation, the more air will travel to the lungs and the more lung capacity will be used.

When practicing

After intense stretching, you can practice Kapalahti as a refreshing exercise during your regular asanas practice. Kapalabhati is lively and enhances the sense of energy and consciousness. A combination of cleansing and vitality will do excellent exercise late in the afternoon, after work, before dinner, but it is not a good exercise just before going to bed.

Precautionary measures

Sharp or sustained pain is a signal to stop. Consult a doctor who understands breathing exercise before continuing. If you have high blood pressure or coronary heart disease,

Please consult your doctor.

Always practice on an empty stomach for more than 2 hours after eating. If you feel dizziness or you can not maintain a stable rhythm, please stop it if you experience stitching at your side.

Image Source: Getty

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