Is practice of yoga movement of wisdom?

As if the crown of Lara Duta was not already heavy already, like the Miss India, Miss Universe, Bollywood star, she releases the latest Health fitness DVD and adds another feather did. After Shilpa Shetty and Bipasha Basu, does she just follow Bollywood's new career improvement trend? No, she says. It is the way to "return" to her fans. "I received a lot of messages from my fans about my conditioning from the fans of After Blue (Lara's swimwear and the movie I remembered best for sharks), this series is my workout, meal past 8 I will show you the hints and tips I gathered during the year.

Although all this is fine, is it enough for her to sell fitness tips to the masses? Her answer is not honest. "I am neither certified nor qualified trainer nor do I draw myself as a single thing All the exercise and advice I acknowledge on this DVD is my own personal Combined with the experience, the best yoga experts, fitness trainers, and nutritionists are the best in the world.

But why yoga, we ask! Shilpa has not done it already? "Why," retorted Lara. "This is what I call a holistic approach to fitness, it can be adapted to every lifestyle, what I need is afford with mats, unlike wasteful expensive gym membership, cost anytime, anywhere." The case closed. After all, how can we discuss with people who were the first Indian women to win the best body awards in international cartoons? Before, Lara says he thinks that healthy men are more sexy than those who support 6 pack Abs with no physical strength.

Is it only for young people or for injured yoga?

The belief that yoga is for old people and injured people who can not visit the gym is very one dimensional. I am not buying a common belief that it is for women than men. Please look at the West. Celebrities like Madonna and Sting are yoga enthusiastic believers. Even in India, both men and women take yoga seriously, and their popularity slowly permeates the masses. Also, there are something for everyone if there are various forms such as power yoga, Ashtanga, Bikram etc.

With a wonderful figure

Our definition of a great body is very distorted. I have a surprisingly torn and torn body, but I know many people without strength and stamina. The myth that yoga does not give a tone to our body has to be shattered. Some of the strongest men I know are practicing yoga. For me, Jim's routine is dazzling.

About excessive exposure

Western countries adopt indigenous concepts and put money in them. That is a good thing. They applied yoga and applied science and showed the world that this really works. Thanks to their efforts, we can respond to the outward appearance. But, saying that, still yoga's soul is here in India. And we are doing something about it.

About yoga and muscle building

In addition to yoga weight training is the bulk of my routine. My workout routine has three weekly training sessions a week. You can not ignore the effect of strength training, but it helps to develop your muscles faster, so yoga also fits perfectly here as well. In yoga it helps to develop a wider range of exercise by maximizing muscle stretching and shortening. In addition, yoga expands the lungs, helps to take in more oxygen, and raises physical strength to another level.

Who are more attractive people: Yoga Buff or Jimrat

At the level of pure vanity, Jim's man surpasses a man of yoga in that it impresses a woman. But at a realistic level, the scenario may change. Let's suppose that I am in relationship with a man. For me, his health is more attractive than just a wonderful looking body. Adonis' s person is impressive and sexy, but a man with just six pack abs is more attractive.

On the advantages of fringe

Yoga is an overall approach to fitness, has flexibility, covers one aspect of it. Peace of mind, balance, energy, mental strength, happiness, trust are part of the bonus you can enjoy in yoga.

About the meditative aspect

People say yoga is meditative, but personally it will not spread so much. For me, deep sea diving is meditative. When I am in the water, I am peaceful with myself and it is a wonderful exercise. An hour diving session can burn something between 500 and 800 calories. But to each of his own. Things that allow you to concentrate on breathing can be meditative. Running, cycling, swimming, you may be lifting your weight. You simply have to be conscious of how you are breathing.

About choosing the right lifestyle

Discipline is the most important. Yoga is a fact known to be quite frustrating especially for beginners. But the solution is patience and practice. All your muscle head MH readers listen. Yoga is not easy. It takes one hour by mat to measure how difficult it is. And like other exercises, you need to refresh good meals, rest, refueling and plenty of water. At the end of the day I still believe you are what you eat.

Image Source: Shutterstock

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